目前分類:土耳其Turkey (6)

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smalleyesmay0102 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()


smalleyesmay0102 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

回來已經有一個星期...其實好懶update blog,有關土耳其...每天對我而言,都很新鮮...不斷有新的東西讓我發覺!!聊聊Ankara吧..土耳其的首都。其實我知道這裡沒什麼特別,但是呢?是弟弟Doruk生長的地方..而且從Sanfrabolu番花城到Cappodocia(8小時),坐車勢必一定會經過Ankara..所以小待這一個下午!!

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We took about 6 hrs by coach from Istanbul to Safranbolu. Metro is much better than England's. their seat distance is longer and they also offer food and drinks. i still think the best coach is in Taiwan. it's much more comfortable.

smalleyesmay0102 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

today i woke up at 11. i can't believe it. i don't like a normal tourist who is very busy to visit everywhere. i just want to take my time to visit. i want to really enjoy here not hurry to visit everywhere. it's holiday, isn't it?

smalleyesmay0102 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

This is the first time i travel alone. when i was on the way to  Birgul 's house, i couldn't relax. i was afraid that i would miss the train or plane. i also felt i grow up and i can go anywhere where i don't know.

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