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話說自從跟michelle說bye bye之後...

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  • Jul 05 Thu 2007 23:39
  • IELT

This week i'm in IELT class. i'm very tired. i think morning class is enough for me. afternoon class is also good because the teacher is Matt. i don't have any reason to be absent. i want to learn more. after class, i always surf online about 2 hurs. than, i go home to have dinner.

Because i have 2 housemates from France. one is 16, the other is 18. They just stay short time in Brighton. i like big sister to take care them now. i don't want to let them down when they talk to me they r boring. sometimes i show them around Brighton and watch movies with them.

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today i'm full of bean. i went to cinema to watch movie. actually,because i was absent in the moring class. that's why i feel good in the evening. hahahah. 

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About washing up, my homestay like to use automatic washing mashine, because they think it can economize on water and more cleaner. Although my ex-homestay they don't have washing machine, they insist to use warn water to do washing up. Once i washed up by cold water, my home-mom said it was still dirty. so she washed it up again. In my openion. UK's tableware tends to be dirty. u can find some stain always on it. i think it's clearner by hand wash. water temperature won't effect anything. Using warm water just because of cold day.


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today is swiss classmates leaving day, beacuse they have to start their school next week. (they are so young, isn't it? jealous)i'm a little sad~maybe we just met this time. anyway~enjoy your life~ Danial, John, Jan!!!

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I don't relly happy when i'm UK. maybe because i don't study hard, always think i waste money and time to stay here, or maybe because recently too many friends've already gone back their country. a lot of things piss me off. I don't know how to let me happy. I feel depressed and time still goes. 


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聊聊上星期六去倫敦Outlet :)
Bicester Village不是我在說...是個好地方...

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Before i came to Brighton, i couldn't accept why my homestay is far from school. when i came here, compare to others homestay. i think my homestay is ok. it just takes about 15mins to go to school by bus (except traffic jam). i used to arrive at the school about 9:30. it was too late.

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Coming back UK near 2 weeks, acturally i'm not happy everyday. i don't know where my aim is. after course,i always hang around with friends. everyday i waste time, i don't know what i'm doing. some of my friends also don't have their aim. we are too lucky, aren't we? parents supply us everything. they don't expect us we can make a lot money, they just hope we are happy and safe. i live in this world 25 years, i don't know what i want. it really pisses me off. 


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today queen is coming to Brighton. Everyone is waiting for her coming. My school is opposite Royal Pavilion. she is going to Royal Pavilion and listening to music in Dome complex. because she's coming, so our class took break early (10:20AM, nomally we took break 10:40AM). 

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Going to school by bus is wired, because i've never done that before. when i was young, my parents used to pick me up. it's very interesting i saw Lily got on the bus. she is penny's school teacher. than i saw wen-chun's classmate, but i forgot his name. i don't know which stop i can get pff, so i am very happy to see wen-chun's classmate. ha~ same school..i took about 30mins to school. i think u all can understand,  i was late.

i'm very surprised i don't need to take level test. i was directly told to go Horatio's class. ha~ same class as before. i am very happy to see my all friends. i miss them too much. Brighton weather is terrible. raining and very windy. Before Raymond told me the weather is getting warmer i don't need to take any winter clothes. i relly did that! now i'm freezing everyday. thanks Eric and chu-yun lent me some clothes to wear.

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After we finished Pre-intermediate, we gradully upgrade to Intermediate. I still remember the first day me and Taylan were told we changed class. i was very surprised. Maybe we were too noisy. i don't know! I think it's good for us to chang class. I love Horatio more than Dan. (hahaha...Don't tell Don. he'll be upset.i know next two weeks he is going to spain with his GF.) The most interestest is we mixed ex-class after new year. Dan became my second teacher. so i don't introduce same classmates.   

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In the begining, My level is Pre-intermediate. it's very relax to take class. the teacher more emphasized on grammer. I'm very happy everyday (no stress). Introduce my classmates.

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